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Young People Banner

As a young person working as a volunteer with BMCS has been an invaluable experience for me. I worked alongside an excellent, hardworking and friendly team where I developed my existing skills as well as picking up new ones.

Helping at the Islamic cultural Fayre built my confidence and enhanced my communication skills, especially when working with other people and dealing with members of the public.

The time I have spent working with BMCS has made me feel as if I am closer with my community and a key member of the BMCS team! - Esheeka Qadar, Volunteer.


Young Peoples Projects

1) Social Development Through Sport
2) BMCS After School Club
3) Muslim Youth Forum
4) I Say, We Say, You Say
5) Ask The Imam
6) Other (ITV Studio, Student Cross Cultural Exchange, Mentoring)

Please click a category above to read about each area of work.


Social Development Throught Sport

The BMCS social development through sport was developed in 2010 as an inner city project that provides young people, from a range of diverse backgrounds, an environment to develop their character skills using sport as a tool. The project is run every Saturday situated at Metropolitan Academy from 11.00am to 2.00pm and caters for a variety of age groups through individual and age targeted sessions. Current membership stands at 41 young people, with average attendances of 25 participants per session. Please click the link above for further information

BMCS After School Club

The BMCS After School Club (ASC), based at Bannerman Road School, has now been running for 7 years and runs every Monday to Friday from 3pm to 5pm for children aged 5 to 11 years old. The children at the club are from all backgrounds, cultures and faith/no faith communities. The school is unique in delivering quality play activities and at the same time ensuring cultural requirements are met with Arabic classes using the Qur’an as the primary source, as well as delivering the Islam and Citizenship Education programme. Please click the link above for further information

Muslim Youth Forum

Muslim Youth Forum was a project that was successfully commissioned by the Youth Offending Team (YOT) to create and deliver Youth Forums, across the city within schools in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. The need for the project was a result of the feedback received from young people who requested an open forum to discuss and share opinions on issues they face in every day life. Please click the link above for further information.

I Say, We Say, You Say

In line with our aims of promoting social and community cohesion, BMCS carried out the I Say You Say We Say project in partnership with the Diocese of Bristol. The project allowed the opportunity for young people from different communities, from Bristol in particular, from Muslim and Christian backgrounds to use the medium of art to learn more about their own and each others cultural heritage and religion. Please click the link above for further information.

Ask The Imam

An issue that many Muslim youth face is access to answers to questions from an Islamic perspective surrounding issues facing young people today. Many young people are too scared to approach Imams to ask questions because of the nature of the questions they have and worry about the reaction they may get by asking. Please click the link above for further information

Other (ITV Studio, Student Cross Cultural Exchange, Mentoring)

Please click the link above for further information.



Annual ReportBMCS ANNUAL REPORT 2011



Islam religion

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